Exhibition Calendar and Bookings information

The Macleay Valley Community Art Gallery is located at 5 Kinchela Street,Gladstone , NSW.

The Gallery is open between the hours of 10.30am to 4pm Thursday to Sunday and is staffed by volunteers and artists.

Opening hours and days may vary from time to time depending on artist requirements and the availability of volunteers. 

Think of having an exhibition ? .....wondering about how to do it ? ...well this short guide might help you out with a few things to think about when you are planning your exhibition.



Please see the calendar for available periods.

To make a booking or enquiry please contact

The Booking Officer on 0434 597 800 or                                 

email: mvcag2440@gmail.com 

Gallery Floor Plan PDF


Rental for the gallery is $155 per week and 17.5% commission on sales. A $50 nonrefundable deposit is required when you book and a $50 refundable bond for gallery cleanliness is also required.

Downloadable Files ;

gallery contract for hire PDF

gallery terms and conditions PDF

gallery fee schedule PDF